Two Weeks Worth of Bar Stories

Oh, sweet rainy day! It’s just what the doctor ordered to clear the land of the worst pollen coverage I’ve seen in years. I can hardly believe I haven�t come down with a sinus infection! (Knock on wood). So, I hope everyone is doing well. It’s getting time to hop on the Wedding circuit for this year. I have a handful of friends getting hitched over the next few months. This means tux rentals & booze filled receptions.

Work is rocking and I’m learning more about the nightclub biz everyday. I have seen some funny stuff over the past few weeks, & I though I’d share some of the highlights:

A female customer took off her top and lit her nipples on fire. No kidding! I wish I could tell you how this happened, or the complex mechanics of how she pulled off the stunt, but I cannot. Needless to say,it was scary!

Three redneck women freaking out on the other bartender and myself because we didn�t make eye contact while taking their drink order. Guess what? It’s freakin loud in that joint and I we put our ears up to your mouth because we are trying to get your order right.

Sorority girls throwing up in the bathroom then making a B-line (well, more like Z-line) for the front door. I’ll give you one guess who had to deal with that situation.

Redneck women (yes, I’ve accepted the fact that this will be a reoccurring theme with my bar stories for the next 16 months) dropping crap on the floor intentionally (unbeknownst to me) in order to pat my ass.

Remember: This has been in two weeks. I’m sure the stories will get even wilder as the temperature outside rises.

In more, down-to-earth news, I go back to the doctor for an MRI on my shoulder this week. More than likely, I have some tendon damage in my shoulder. This plus the fact that my sister nearly broke my arm again today while we were fighting over the remote for the TV. I guess by the age of 25, I’d outgrow this childish behavior. If you believe that, I guess you don’t know me that well after all.


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