Spring 2005

After graduating from college five years ago, you’d think I’d be better suited for the real world. For instance, I would consider a new year beginning in January and ending in December. Not so. I still run on the “school year” calendar…August to May. Call it part of my refusal to grow up entirely. After all, I have spent the majority of my life on the “school year” calendar.

It is nearly graduation time again. It is my favorite time of year. I age another year…flowers bloom…big plans are made…pollen may or may not be in the air, depending on your geographical location, and faith in ourselves challenged & renewed.

And so the story goes again in my life & seems to always be at the forefront of my mind during this season. I’m twenty-six years old & I’ve been having the latest series of my mid-life crisis’s.

Here is the run down:

Page and I broke up back in February. I ended up feeling a pain way worse than when Brooke and I broke up years ago. Having a broken heart is a very distinct feeling & there is nothing in the world that compares. Honestly, I’ve never been so broken down over a woman before. Part of it is because Page is the greatest girlfriend ever, and she has set the marker by which all future women will be judged. Alas, life moves on, and I find that pouring myself back into the Green Room and the other jobs at hand helps smoothe the transition to adjusting to life without her.

Two of my great friends are getting married in June, with another handful recently engaged. Deep down, it makes me feel like I am wasting my life & missing out on an important part of growing up. But, I am also honest enough with myself to know that now is not my time, & I shouldn’t compromise my goals. I know both weddings will be awesome, & I have every confidence I will have the time of my life at both receptions! Hey, maybe I will become a fan of weddings after all!

I have officially turned in July 1st as my last day at Cafe Arone. No more making drinks, food, dates, or conversation with my fine customers. Ahh, who am I kidding? I will be working there from time to time, helping my boy Kop, until the Green Room opens.

Speaking of the Green Room, we are looking at an August or September opening…FINALLY! As we speak, I am waiting on an official lease agreement for my signature. Watch out, Norfolk! J Powell is on the way!

To all those who have given me advice or simply tolerated my whining over the past couple of months….THANKS! Between work, girlfriends, Wilson, and dreams…it seemed like everything was crashing down at the same time. Now, the weather is nice, I can ride my bike outdoors again, and life is good. If there is ONE thing I’ve learned, its life is nothing more than a series of moments. Friends, towns, seasons, jobs….they all come and go. You just have to savor the times and share them with the ones you care about. Life is a series of moments, and I’m grabbing all of mine by the horns and enjoying the ride. Maybe you should do the same? Until next time!

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May May Bring you Flowers

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