
The Powell family has been under the weather this week. How appropriate that the weather is in the upper 90’s and all three of us have colds. I am glad that Fall TV has started back up. Sons of Anarchy, the Mindy Project, Always Sunny…, and The League have all started back up. My Tivo is going to be running full blast.

I have to go to New York next week for a DR exercise which I cannot say I am looking forward to. Three long days of working insane hours away from the family does not sound like a good time.

Dena and I saw Mumford and Sons a few weeks ago and it was a great concert. Completely sold out, perfect weather, and a group of girls behind us paid the band the greatest compliment: They said the band sounds just like they do on the radio. They also did a pretty awesome cover of “Come Together” as an encore.

We are getting excited about heading back to NC for Blake and Lauren’s wedding next month. We will be flying directly into Wilmington for a few days. I will be looking forward to seeing Jeff, Stef, and Colin. Hopefully we will get some time to hang off the island after the wedding.

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