Happy Holidays

Hi All,

Its been quite a while since I have provided an update. Work and family has been keeping me very busy over the past year. However, since 2015 is ending tonight, I thought it would be a good time to write a bit of a 2015 in review update. Work at RCI was busy this year. I got to demonstrate vRealize Automation 6.2 as an automation and orchestration solution for our environment. It is an awesome product and I hope to work with it more in the future. It is an extremely robust and complex product, but its options are nearly endless.

My Dad had a bone marrow transplant in April, and despite many setbacks, I believe he is on the up and up. We spent some time with him over the Holidays and he was able to talk and move around a lot more than when I saw him in October. I really believe he will make a full recovery by the summer of 2016.

Parker is growing like a weed and picking up on everything. Needless to say, 2015 was the last year I was able to get away with saying whatever I wanted. She has repeated a few phrases of mine that will likely get her in trouble at school. So, I am working on my potty mouth has a bit of a New Years resolution.

The Holidays were busy, but still relaxing. We went up north to spend time with Dena’s family, then headed out east to see mine. Parker really enjoyed riding the four wheeler at my parents farm. It was also nice to go out a couple of nights and hang out with friends. I am also super pumped my wife and mom gave me a Nest Thermostat for the house. I really am excited about the Internet of Things and how it will continue to grow in 2016. Its also a good reminder that we all need to be diligent and use strong passwords as more and more of these devices come into our lives and homes.

Until next time…

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