Feb Here We Go

I know I’ve said this all January long, but…Holy shit! I’ve been busy!

Let me start off by saying there is almost ZERO difference in business between December and January. Yeah, that doesn’t make sense to me either, since January and July are historically the slowest months for restaurants in this town. Needless to say, I am extremely thankful & stoked.

I have finalized the wine list for Fifty Fifty and waiting to receive a proof from the printer. This is the most ambitious list I have created to date. I am super-excited to get feedback from the staff and customers.

Closing on my new home has been a huge pain in the ass. in fact, I was supposed to close today at 10:30 am EST. Did it happen? Hell no! More hang ups from Under writers. It’s a long story, but I’ve convinced myself I will never buy another house again. I’m sure I’m just lying to myself to make me feel better.

While riding to work today, I had XM on the 80’s channel. They broke out a “guilty pleasure” song. It was actually a Madonna reject from the Mid-80’s (What I mean is Madonna literally said, “No, I’m not going to record this song. Pass.”) So this chick named “Regina” (Bet you can see the Madonna similarities already) decided to give it a whirl. I probably haven’t heard the song in 15 years. Look it up online: Baby Love by Regina (No, this does not make me gay).

Finally, throat surgery seems to have gone well. I have been allowed to talk for a week now. It’s kinda cool, and no…I don’t sound “Mickey Mouse”. Ladies, have no fear: The raspy voice is still intact! I will be heading back at the end of February for a follow-up. Until next report, rock out!

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