Cold, Long January

Greetings all! I hope everyone had a great New Year & sticking to their resolutions. I have a number of projects coming up, which should keep me plenty busy until the Green Room project finalizes. There is no date set for moving to Norfolk, as financing is still pending. I am hoping everything will pick up again in March.

We had 3 wimpy inches of snow this week. Of course, that means the South declares a federal emergency and everything shuts down for a few days. I was going bloody stir crazy!

I had the great pleasure of yanking my brother’s car out of a ditch yesterday. The kid hit a patch of ice and fished out. It was like the old college days, pulling kids out of the field by my apartment during hurricanes.

It was tolerably warm today, so I hit up the gym. I am getting back into my summer routine…lift less weight, but more sets & reps. I got to get in gear if I am to resume my hardcore biking schedule again this summer.

Well, that’s all I’ve got going on right now. More in the next few months, as the next chapter of the Green Room Saga is written. Until then, stay in touch & stay away from the yellow snow cones!

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