Throat Surgery Complete

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Well, my throat surgery went well, according to my doctors, on Tuesday morning. The procedure took about an hour, and I was ready to rock and roll by noon. Of course, I was a little groggy from the anestecia. I carried on my day like…

Happy New Year 2008

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Happy New year everyone! I don’t know about you, but I am stoked to put 2007 to bed! Not that it didn’t have some great highs. May 2007 marked the one year anniversary of Fifty Fifty. I bought my first brand new car, without the…

Happy Holidays and What Nots

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So I woke up Christmas morning to find out one of my father’s best friends had died of a heart attack that morning. How does Christmas get to start off like that? It was set to be a pretty good one. Santa Claus finally stopped…


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Seriously, it takes 2.5 weeks to get over bronchitis? That’s insane, but true. I had to get a shot in the ass, a hand full of souped up antibiotics, and a cough syrup I could have sworn was outlawed during the era of Wyatt Earp.…

The Wedding Story

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As I have been discussing for some time, I finally performed the wedding ceremony for Beth Downing and Jay Thigpen. I thought I did a good job of stretching the ceremony out for 15 minutes, but I’ve been informed it only lasted for 5 minutes.…

Few Updates

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Alright, here’s what’s been going on lately. Papa Powell is preparing for Beth’s wedding, just in two short weeks. I need to memorize the ceremony, so it will appear as if I’ve officiated wedding ceremonies a thousand times before. I will be posting a ton…

J Powell 4.0 Released to Celebrate 10 Years on the Web

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Labor Day weekend brought about my first vacation since my sister’s wedding in February. I also must embarrassingly admit it was the first time I have left town since then as well. I cooked lasagna for some friends on Sunday night before heading to Wilmington.…

A Fishing Tale

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A few weeks ago, my granddad’s old fishing buddy Henry and his wife came into my restaurant to eat. I can’t recall seeing him since I used to go fishing with the two of them when I was 15, although I’m pretty sure he was…

Raining on the way Home

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It was raining on my way back home from work tonight. Earlier, I updated my iPod with a “Slow Song” playlist that included the Sade song “Ordinary Love”. As the introductory bass groove kicked in, I found myself on a mental rewind, taking me back…

Good. No Throat Cancer

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Some of you may have heard a few weeks ago that “Papa P” had a little throat cancer scare. I am happy to say I am out of the woods on that one. For the past few months, my throat has been scratchy & I…