Been a While

Geez, it seems as though it has been a while since I last updated the site. I have a bro from work hooking me up with some smoothe daddy graphics and flash animation for my site. After four years of the same interface, its time for a huge make-over. The site will still have most of the same content, just a cooler appearance.

Yo, so this is what else is on tap:
1. I’m heading back to NC for Valentine’s Day, to celebrate with Brooke
2. I’m looking for a new car…something more dependable than a Jeep.
3. I’m still working on 5 new songs…hey, inspirational lyrics don’t come to me every day.
4. Preparing for tax season.

As for taking so long to update my website, I work on computers all day. Its rare that I come home and want to work on them even more. With that being said, I feel I have justified my actions. Now if you will excuse me, I’m going to check my e-mail on my laptop. Until next time…

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Late Night Shout to Brooke

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