April Update

So, its been about eight weeks since I have posted an update, so I shall catch you up:

I went to New Jersey last weekend with Jeffrey and Stefane Beddard. It was Stefane’s baby shower. I provided the Trailblazer and humor for the 7 hour trip. Turns out we needed the trusty Trailblazer, because we were loaded to the gills with baby gifts!

During the Shower, Jeff and I headed into Philly. We went to the Franklin Institute, saw where Sylvester Stallone made his famous “Rocky” victory jog up the stairs for the Art Institute, and attended a Star Wars Exhibit…which sucked ass! I have a few pictures from the trip posted, but they are my standard “Postcard” shots.

I have been working eagerly on my next restaurant venture, scheduled for opening Memorial Day Weekend of ’09 or ’10. It will be similar to Fifty Fifty in functionality and fundamentals, but a different feel and name. I am very excited about the project and feel energized by the task.

In my spare time, I am working on the lawn, testing new wines for my wine list, and hitting up the gym.

I also have uploaded some new photos of the house so check the photo album category.

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