Updates Galore

Well, another week has passed, and there are more exciting things to check out on the site. i have updated the Pictures, Songs, Stories, and Poetry pages with new content…well, new to some of you. I am still in the process of archiving all of the content from the previous site, so some of the material may be old.

Over the past few days, I have been a “professional” audience member for a new dating show called “Rendez View”. It’s like “Blind Date” meets “Politically Incorrect”. Check it out if you get a chance…its pretty funny. Tomorrow, I have a couple of interviews set up for jobs. Lord knows I need to pay some rent. Until next week, stay cool and buy Incubus’s new album, “Morning View”. It’s pretty awesome.

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Songs in the Key of Misery
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New Songs as of 9/25/01

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