Damn…Update Your Site, Fool!

OK…first things first. I must say I’m sorry for my lack of web site updates over the past few months. In fact, this site has not been updated since I left LA. Since that time, I’ve moved into a new apartment in Chapel Hill and started working for Redeye Distribution. I am serving as the company’s Retail Promotions/Sales/IT guru. We are pumping tons of great artists and albums into retail conscienceness.

Brooke and I are doing very well, and I miss seeing her on a daily basis. I hope it is only temporary and she will be looking for housing closer to my neck of the woods. (hint, hint:)

I have seen some of my older friends since I’ve been back in NC. Its funny to see how everyone has grown up. We all have careers and trying to settle down with our significant others.

As the next couple of weeks go by, I will get back on the regular update train. I just need to get some of my stuff set up in the new pad. But more on that next time. Until then, love one another!

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