End of July Ponderings

Well, its almost the end of July. Its hotter than Hell outside, great music abounds, and great concerts are in the works.

The boys at work are planning a shindig for a weekend in September at Lincoln Theatre. Its going to be an awesome time. G 105 (local FM station) is supporting the show, spreading discount vouchers for the show around town. I can’t mention any of the artists at this time, but its going to be a show to remember.

I’ve been spending time (on the weekends, because there is no other time for working class folks) by the swimming pool, watching Tivo, and going for nightly jogs. I’m also planning other big things for the future. Its too early to give any hints, but when the time is approperate, I will unleash the news right here.

Until next time, beat the heat any way possible.

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