The Summer of 2003…A Reflection

I thought it was about time to place an update on the ‘ole web site. After all, it has been a month or so. I’ve been keeping under tight wraps since June due to a number of reasons. Most notably, I’ve been pursuing what I hope to be my career for the long haul. Those close to me know for over a year now I have been pursuing the idea of starting my own business. The past four months have really been great in the business arena. If feel that my overdue good karma is finally working for me!

I don’t want to jabber on about the business. If I have learned anything in the past, it is not to talk about things until they are solidified. Life has a funny way of jinxing you if you do otherwise. What I do want to talk about is the lessons I’ve learned in 2003 thus far. I think it is important to reflect upon life when you get the chance. I also believe you are doomed to make the same mistakes until you recognize them and do something about it. So without further ado, this is what I’ve learned:

1. Don’t compromise what you feel in your heart for a temporary victory. Keep the long road ahead in mind.
2. If it’s not good for the long run, it’s not good for now.
3. You can be happy by yourself & doing the things you enjoy most, regardless of what any one else thinks.
4. Take time for you to be yourself.
5. You can always rely on friends to get you through the tough times.
6. If it’s meant to be, it will be. Don’t fret, everything happens for a reason.
7. If you won’t dress like a Victoria’s Secret girl, do not expect me to act like a soap opera guy.
8. If something I say can be interpreted two ways and one of those ways makes you sad, I meant the other way.
9. If I ask “what’s wrong” and you say “nothing”, I will act like nothing is wrong. I know you are lying, but it’s not worth the hassle.
10. Finally, you can’t be friends with everyone. There is no need to keep friends who lie, physically abuse you, and have no type of morals.

Maybe some of you will find these tidbits of information helpful. Others may not. For all of the rest, visit this little link here and you will not be sorry.

Until next time, be true to yourself.

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