Happy Holidays and a Norfolk Report

Greetings and Happy Holidays to all! I have been busy with numerous tech and web projects, which have added up to enough money to buy Christmas presents. While I was in Norfolk last week, I saw Dave Attell and Lewis Black in Hell’s Kitchen. They were performing in the area & were told Hell’s Kitchen is a great place to hang. I was pretty stoked. Not that I am star struck at all. Remember kids, I lived in L.A. for a year.

So, what does the New Year bring, you may ask? Well, from the look of things, I will be moving into high gear with the Green Room. I want bore you with the details. If you have no idea what I’m talking about, dig through the archives to catch up. You can start around September 2002.

If all goes well (and so far it has) I expect to have the place up and running in May. I found a new building just a block down from the original that will work even better. This place even has a balcony which will overlook the stage. Kick Ass!

Holidays are going fine thus far. I miss my granddad. Its been a year since he passed and last year was difficult enough. Ah, but what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.

Speaking of death, there were a lot of great musicians who past away this year…Elliott Smith, Robert Palmer, Johnny Cash, Joe Strummer. Truly, 2003 has been a memorable year. Unfortunately, its been more full of heartache and tough lessons than milk and honey.

So I raise my glass for a better 2004…for the world…for you…and for me. God Bless!

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