Colouring Lesson Reunion 2003

I hope everyone is doing well. I just got back from Washington, D.C. a few hours ago. I had an awesome Friday night hanging out with my friend Sara at the Colouring Lesson Reunion Show. It was great to see my other friends from that scene whom I haven�t been in touch with in some time. Extra bonus: Making new contacts for the Green Room.

I, much like all of you, I imagine, are getting geared up for the Holidays. Christmas will be here in a few days & I’m actually pretty stoked. Yep, I may try to retire the “Grinch” persona once and for all this year. Ahhh, no guarantees, though.

Tonight, I hung out with the family in Raleigh & got to see my old roommate Kevin. He is back from the West for the Holidays. We shall hang out this week.

I’m looking forward to 2004. It should be a memorable year, in a good way, unlike 2003.

Until next time

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