Yo, Can’t You Keep Me Updated?

Overdue updates, you say? No kidding. It’s been quite a while since I’ve updated my little corner of the Web. I realize the Rolling Stone reviews are not showing up anymore, and you have all lost faith in me keeping this updated. Well fear not! The lack of updates has been in part of my slack assed-ness, and part of me staying so busy. Also, as I get older, I find myself getting in more of a “repetitive” groove that doesn’t warrant much change to blab about over the Web. With that stated, here is the run down of things over the past couple of months. As you read, try to think of me reading this to you in a speedy rant, much like the kid who spends the summer overseas in “The Rules of Attraction”.

Tonight, I completed reading my first adult novel (and I ain’t talking porn or the crap that has Fabio on the covers). I read the Da Vinci Code, & I was impressed that I read the whole thing in two weeks. Gold star by name, teacher! It’s an awesome book that completely contradicts most of the things you learn growing up in church. It reads like an Indiana Jones script, so check it out.

I got my wrecked Jeep back last week, after spending months in the repair shop. Essentially, I have a repaired piece of crap that should have been totaled. I am so pissed off at GMAC insurance for grabbing me by the short hairs that I can’t talk about it anymore and find myself transitioning to my next topic.

So, I get this invitation in the mail for my old roommate’s Engagement/Cookout party. That’s right, kids, old Sloe K himself, set to marry. Sweet! The dig is at his parent’s new crib, which is awesome. I get to catch up with some old friends, many of whom I have not seen or spoken to in years. I roll up in my typical Cookout attire: jeans, a “Virginia is for Lovers” T-Shirt (Virginia is also the name of Kev’s fiancee, so I thought it would be appropriate), and sandals. Imagine my surprise when I am the worst dressed member of the party, see no signs of a grill, or keg. What the hell is going on? Turns out Kev & Virginia have decided to get married then and there. Sweet! All I can say is I can’t wait to see if I’m in any of the wedding photos! That will teach him for surprising me!

Speaking of weddings, my boy Jeffrey is getting married next summer to his already common-law wife Stephane. Also, Jessica is getting married next June. This wedding will see yours truly spending a week in Aruba. I’ve already got my snorkel packed!

Last week as I was walking around the block in the wee hours, as I often do after I get out of the bar, I had a frightening encounter. I was talking to a friend when a big ‘ole Redneck style pickup truck whizzes by and the driver yells some obscenities to me. In normal fashion, I yell back some of my own. Hell, my logic is its 3:30 am on a Sunday morning�this guy just got back from pumping himself up with an early breakfast at Denny’s, after a night of slamming Budweiser with his other NASCAR buddies at the local VFW club.

The dude pulls up beside me and starts harassing me. I tell him off some more, and keep in mind, I am on the phone the entire time with my friend. This dude gets out of his car and wants to have a round bashing it out. Of course, I don’t subscribe to that sort of deal. Something tells me the world will need my talents some time in the future, and I’m not trying to put myself in the position to stare down the barrel of some redneck’s shotgun.

So, I talk some more junk, and this guy follows me around at 3 miles an hour while I proceed to carry on my telephone conversation. Only occasionally on my two mile walk did my harasser and I exchange words. Finally, after I ended the phone conversation and found myself conveniently located in front of a police officer’s house, I approached his truck for the final time. Turns out, everything was cool. I just scared the shit outta him because he didn’t expect anyone to be walking around the block at that time. I imagine it’s a similar experience to having a deer pop out of nowhere and run directly in your path as you travel some ridiculous speed�except its way worse having a human pop out on ya!

Finally, the Green Room project is going forward as planned. I am going up to talk to the realtors next week with my head chief/restaurant manager. Over the next few months, I will be applying for all of the necessary permits, negotiating the terms of my lease, drawing up blueprints of the building, & getting the stuff built. I am excited & staying extremely busy. I wanted to let you all know that I am still alive and kicking! So, until my next free rant, see you at the bar!

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