Almost an Entire Year of Neglect

Congratulations to me!

After a year of neglect, I have decided to update what has undoubtedly become a waste of ten dollars per month. Currently, I am in the process of opening a restaurant & lounge in Wilson. It’s named Fifty Fifty Lounge & Grill. We are in the final stages of construction & things look awesome! Its crazy to think in a mere few weeks I will be a slave to my own restaurant!

Let’s see: over the past year I have cycled through a few girlfriends, spent time living and bartending at the beach, and generally trying to get some direction in my life. All of these things helped contribute to my decision to open a restaurant in Wilson.

This upcoming week, I will receive the “Cleveland Steamer” of all lotteries by reporting to jury duty. This completely blows, since I am getting ready for the restaurant’s opening day. The way karma has served me lately; I will no doubt be selected as a jury member & be hosed up in court for a week.

Day-to-day life now includes riding my bike, going to the gym, neglecting Jeff Beddard’s phone calls, talking game to Corie, making restaurant decisions, and watching Wedding Crashers over & over again. These acts ensure I will fall asleep by 4:00 am every morning.

More reports from Superior Court next week. Hope its not a “Crime Against Nature” case.

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Just Gonna Throw it out There

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