Just Gonna Throw it out There

Just so I can catch everyone up…

I got outta jury duty this week. The defendent can thank his lucky stars. I’ve got too much on my plate right now to give him a fair shake. More on that later.

Also, it is a sore subject, but I will touch on it since it has provided me with an evening of giggles:

My ex-girlfriend, whom I work directly next door to, apparently cut off all of her beautiful, long hair. She now looks like Moe from the Three Stoogies. It is even more funny when I think back to this weeks episode of the “King of Queens”. Doug convinces Carie to cut her hair to make 3K for a cruise. She does it, and looks like Moe as well! Believe me…this will be more than enough to make me laugh throughout my week!

And to end things, my friend, Jeffrey Beddard, whom I mentioned in my last update, wishes me to strike his name from the record since he is paranoid of having his name on the Internet. So, here’s to you!

Howdy Ho!


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