J Powell 4.0 Released to Celebrate 10 Years on the Web

Labor Day weekend brought about my first vacation since my sister’s wedding in February. I also must embarrassingly admit it was the first time I have left town since then as well.

I cooked lasagna for some friends on Sunday night before heading to Wilmington. It turned out pretty good, considering I haven’t made one since the Cafe Arone days. Once I got to Wilmington, I met up with the husband and wife duo of Jeffrey and Steffane Beddard. We headed over to the marina where our friend Morgan stays. We proceeded to drink and talk about the 10 year high school reunion the week prior (that will be another story).

After we got back home, Jeff and Steff at the remainder of my lasagna. I went to bed hungry. The next day, Jeff and I went surfing. The waves were head high and the current was rough. I wasted all of my energy getting past the breakers. Jeff had a good set, while I just hung out on the long board. The only wave I chased left me tossed under the water just long enough for me to prepare to swallow sea water.

All in all, it was a relaxing 24 hours. I will see them again at the end of the month, when I will be officiating a wedding ceremony at Carolina Beach. You can call me bluff, but believe me; I will have photos a-plenty to share!

You may have noticed I have changed the site up a bit recently. I figured since I have been maintaining this domain for almost ten years now, it was time to give it a make-over.

The redesigned front page is almost a mock of myspace.com. I figure since I have been using this corner of the web to “blog” for all of these years before there was such a term, I would give a nod to the people who have made it so popular.

The new site is more reflective of where I am in life presently, and not so much of an “ode to the past”. I have gotten rid of the things that do not seem very relevant to me in this stage of life, and added some of the things that do seem so.

The photo page has been totally revamped. I have organized the photos into categories, and tried to give some decent descriptions and dates. I have also added a bunch of “never before seen” photos from both the distant and not-so-distant past.

In the next few weeks, I will have more photos uploaded, and will probably set things up so visitors can submit photos to the site as well. More on that later.

Until next time…

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