July 2008

Its been 3 months since I have updated this site, so here we go:

Last weekend, I went to Wilmington to visit Jeffrey and Stefane Beddard. They had a son born in June while I was in Kentucky working for Appalachia Service Project. We grilled out at Jeff’s parents house, and were joined by his brother, John, who I’ve not seen in two years. Also, my folks, brother, and sister were all there. It was a nice visit, but I opted to come back to Wilson later that night instead of hang out.

While Jeff and Steff were hanging out in hospitals birthing sons, I was plumbing in Kentucky with my old college roomate, Kevin Smith. It was a great time, and fun hanging out, but I was missing my girlfriend and anxious to come back home.

Once I got back home, we bought tickets to Aruba. My friends, Rod and Tonia Miller invited us to stay with them for the week. Its going to be my first real “adult” vacation. Its about time, too. I’m almost 30 years old.

The bummer is my girlfriend, Sommer dumped me a couple of weeks ago, so I am going to Aruba solo. I’m still stoked to go, I was looking forward to taking her with me. I will post pictures once I get back, and give everyone and update on all of the things I do down there. I’m thinking of taking a day flight to Venezuela, since its only 20 miles away. That way, I can hit up two different countries at the same time.

Well, my flight is in a few days, so I’m trying to get things straight at work and wash some clothes. Until next time.

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Aruba Vacation 2008

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